Board Game and Tabletop Editing Services

Hi! My name is Simon and I help tabletop game creators write and refine the text for their rulebooks, board game components, websites, Kickstarter campaigns, email newsletters, social media posts and more. I aim to make it clear, concise, accurate, easy to understand, and entertaining.
Large game publishers often have dedicated in-house writers, editors and proofreaders. However, for independent game creators running Kickstarters and the like, these tasks can often fall to people who would rather spend their time doing something else.
I can help you with that.
I’m here to save you from having to re-read your own rulebook until you can’t face it anymore. I’m here to double-check your Kickstarter campaigns and email updates so you don’t have to. I’m here to take writing, editing, and proofreading tasks off your plate, so that you’re free to channel your creative energy into designing and making your game.
Feel free to get in touch using the contact form, or read on for more information first.

How I can help
Writing, editing, and proofreading might not be the most glamorous or exciting tasks when creating your brand new tabletop game, but completing them well can make a huge difference. Here are some of the benefits you can expect from my editing services:
- Save time by having me perform editing tasks for you; freeing you up to work on more exciting tasks
- Get players into your game faster by making sure your rulebook is clear and simple to understand
- Improve player engagement by spicing up your flavour text
- Get more backers and raise more funds on Kickstarter by making the content of your campaign pages and updates stand out
- Maximise the impact of your website by eliminating errors and delivering information clearly
- Save money by getting it right first time and avoiding the cost of repeated print runs/second editions
Available services
I can write, edit or proofread a variety of different materials, including:
- Rulebooks
- Kickstarter pages and backer updates
- Game components (e.g. cards, boards and reference sheets)
- Website content and blog posts
- Email newsletters
- Social media content
The section below is designed to help you decide which services are right for you.
Engagement with your audience is important, especially in the context of a Kickstarter campaign or new game launch. An amusing social media post can inspire new followers. An entertaining newsletter can engage and excite your fans. An informative website can attract more clients.
I can help you create new content for all of these and more, including but not limited to:
· Flavour text for game components and documents
· Website content, including bios and ‘about’ pages
· Promotional materials, including product information and game showcases
· Kickstarter campaigns and updates
· Email newsletters
· Blog articles
· Social media posts
Editing helps refine and improve the meaning of your text, increasing readability and direction. Good editing makes sure your text connects well with your audience.
I can help improve the overall quality of your text by:
· Refining text and ensuring readability
· Providing alternative wording and phraseology
· Ensuring consistency of terminology (e.g. game rounds/turns)
· Removing unnecessary or accidental repetition of words, phrases and rules/concepts
· Ensuring the tone matches your audience
· Making the text more entertaining
An example of good editing:
If you look closely at this page, you’ll notice that I consistently use the term ‘rulebook’. I could have interchanged this word with ‘manual’, ‘guide’ or perhaps ‘rules reference’, but keeping it consistent ensures less confusion for the reader. When writing game rules, if you use several different words for the same thing, this can confuse players and dilute your message.
Proofreading is the final step in perfecting your text, prior to publishing. The meaning of your text should already be well established by this point, with proofreading serving as a final check for errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation.
I can examine your text and check for errors to ensure accuracy by:
· Identifying and correcting typing and spelling errors
· Resolving misuse of punctuation
· Ensuring the correct use of words (e.g. their/there and a/the)
· Removing unnecessary or accidental white space
English as a second language (ESL)
I love playing tabletop games from all over the world, and some of my favourites are from overseas. I understand that as a creator of these games, you may not have English as your native language. I also understand that all languages have different rules. What works well in one language, might not work well in another. I’m not here to translate for you – that’s another skill altogether, but I can help make your translated English even better.
I often see games that have been translated into English and the basic meaning is conveyed, but the text can be difficult to read. This can create a barrier between players trying to learn your rules. I can help you remove this barrier and get people playing your game, sooner.
I am a native English-speaker, familiar with English slang and colloquialisms (words and phrases used in casual conversation), as well as regional sayings. I can also write English in a playful and entertaining way. Feel free to read my blog posts to see my writing style.
After you have translated your rulebook into English, I can:
· Make it easier to read
· Correct mistakes
· Improve the flow of writing
· Suggest alternative wording
If you would like to discuss how I can help you, please feel free to get in touch using the contact form.
If your requirements are different to those listed above, feel free to get in touch using the contact form. I will be happy to discuss how I can adapt my services to your needs.
You can find more information about me and Board Game Yarns here
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